Is Google Password Manager safe and secure?
I've been using the Google Password Manager to store my various passwords for quite a while now.
I'd heard of it not being a good idea to store passwords in the browser, but haven't actually seen anyone explain why that is, or why it's a bad idea, since I hadn't had problems so far.
Then, I found out that my password manager has been hacked, and Google was blamed, despite no evidence being provided as to what other means of password management has been used. Not only did I start to worry about what else may have been hacked, I became really concerned about security.
Is Google Password Manager secure, or safe? Is it the most secure way to store your passwords, or is it just as dangerous as storing your passwords in your browser, or your email, or even a notepad? Is Google Password Manager safe, or secure? That's the question I'm hoping to get answers to in this thread. I've tried looking around online for answers, but haven't found anything concrete. Please let me know if you have a better way to deal with the situation than to keep it a secret.
Here are some websites I checked, but got mixed up on how to read the charts/tabs. Google did the best job of explaining it, but they were still confused. Thanks to for helping me decipher it.
Here's a few links to help get you started reading about it: Google password manager - Wikipedia article has more details and links. This one, although not specifically talking about Google, does talk about password managers in general.
Another good article - this one by TechRepublic. In this article, you can find many links to sources that mention "hacking", "hijack", and "attack". I was able to find a reference to the specific vulnerability, so I don't think they are trying to create confusion here.
Here is another article that talks about the specifics of the breach. It seems like you can actually use it to learn more about how the attack occurred. There are also articles on Techdows.com, PCWorld.com, and several others.
I think there was an article on CNet recently.
What is the new Google Password Manager?
How to use it?
Should you use it?
Many people are not sure about this free Google software, which also works as an excellent password manager. So, here are some questions and answers for this software. What is Google's Password Manager? Why does Google need to do this, right?
What is Google's Password Manager, that you want to know about it? Google is a search giant, working all over the world, providing the best Search Engine for its users. However, it doesn't only search, but also provides other services like Google Maps, Android and Chrome browser. These are a few examples of the Google services which you may already use on your daily basis. For example, when you need any information for your daily life, you just search for it using the Google search bar and then you will be redirected to the result pages of Google with the results of your keyword. So, what is this new Google Password Manager, which we have discussed here? It is the Google Password Manager itself, which enables you to take backup of your passwords. You can store them in the cloud, and there is no password or other security-related trouble after saving them in the cloud. It also works on your mobile devices or it can be used on the computer too. You don't need any third-party software for this, but it will enable you to take backup and restore of your passwords. If you forget your password, or you find yourself in a situation when you need a password, then this Google password manager will help you to get a new password by using your old one. Or you can even reset the password using the recovery code. So, if you are curious about this program, let us read the entire explanation below.
Why should I use Google Password Manager? As we have seen that Google Password Manager is a perfect tool to save all of your important passwords. Not only that, but it also allows you to manage them as well. For example, you can see the history of your account, and the site of your account. In addition to that, it comes with many useful features and functions which we will discuss later on this page. Google Password Manager is very easy to use, and so you can become its user within a few minutes. It is actually one of the best tools for everyone who is looking for great password management. Many experts say that this Google Password manager software is the best thing ever!
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