How do you spell the name Carmela?
This question has received many answers that appear to be contradictory and confusing. The reason is that this name is actually spelled a number of different ways. In most cases, there is no right or wrong way to spell the name. However, this name is one that is often confused. Some people may use Carmela as the feminine form of Carla, while others may use Carmel. Sometimes the spelling of the name will be different when it is used in its Italian form. The following are a few ways you can spell the name Carmela.
Is Carmela a Spanish name?
Familia is a family name, and in Spanish it's usually the paternal side, because families are based around father and children.
If we take a look at the meaning of the word, we will understand why this family name is not very widely known in English speaking countries. "Carmela means "white girl from the east" in Italian or sometimes as Carmine. It was used among the Roman families who came from the eastern regions of Italy." -Wikipedia
Carmelo or Carmelita is the feminine form for Carmela. It's also a Spanish name, but with the same meaning (girl from the east). These names are used as nicknames, but you will find people who actually carry this surname, with this meaning. And some think these two names are the origin of the famous actress Cristina and her real name is Cristina Del Carmen Paredes y Cervi.e. It doesn't mean Cristina, because Paredes is Carmen's middle name. You might know the actress thanks to her role in "Argentina" (1981)
We did many research about the meaning of the name Carmela: Meaning of Carmela. "A lighted oil lamp or lamprey". But I have come to the conclusion that in Italy (the country where Carmela is actually a female name), it refers to a girl whose face is similar to a white chick, a chick who shines like the night . Origin of the name Carmela. The name Carmela seems like a very modern name in Italy. It was born in the last decade of 19th century (1870-1915). A little explanation about how the names have been formed in the 19th century. Let's imagine that your name is Natalisa and your parents wanted to give you a good and elegant Christian name. In those times the most important thing is the name. People want something different, they don't want the same names of their parents! (at least in Italy).
It was normal that a lot of names like Carletta, Carmele, Carmelita, Carmella and even Carma had come to be in these times. How does a person get the name Carmela? To get a name Carmela, two things are required.
What does Carmela mean in the Bible?
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Within the Christian & Jewish Studies forums, part of the Lutheran Forum category; On this day, we recognize the suffering and martyrdom of Carmela - as she was known in . On this day, we recognize the suffering and martyrdom of Carmela - as she was known in the first century - who became a Christian (Acts 16:20). Carmela served Christ like a lioness protects her cubs from harm. She was brave to be a faithful Christian - not only by preaching the Gospel, but by becoming a witness by her own sufferings and death.
What does she mean to us? Here are some Biblical passages that reflect these realities. Read these passages with prayerful attention - and let the word of God speak through you! Isaiah 42:14 The Lord GOD has given me the tongue of mortals, that I might know how to sustain the weary with a word. He wakens me morning by morning; he wakens my ear to hear as the disciples hear. And the Lord GOD has opened my ears, and I was not rebellious, I did not turn back.
Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. Acts 2:36 The words of the prophet Isaiah son of Amos, that he said, He hath borne our sicknesses and wounded us, that we may be bound together with cords, and afflictions may be given unto us; as many as his wrath and his indignation worketh among the children of men. Romans 9:17 The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. 2 Corinthians 6:16 Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed on us, that we should be called the children of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.
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