How tall do Camellia Japonica get?
What Is Camellia Japonica and How Tall Is It?
Camellia Japonica is a flowering evergreen shrub or small tree native to East Asia, especially Japan. The flower of this plant are often described as being the most beautiful flowers in the world, and it is even called flower-eating. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) camellias produce more pesticide residue than any other food and beverage crop. If you love camellias for their ornamental beauty, you may have wondered how tall is camellia japonica?
While it looks like a miniature of a big Camellia, the Japonica does not have the gigantic foliage of a Camellia, but a delicate growth form. It generally grows at about one meter per year in climate zones eight, nine, and ten, but many reports claim that it can grow as tall as 18 meters. The top three tallest Japonica trees in the world are:
Camellia japonica (18 m tall) - Yusho-Ginzan forest, Yonezawa, Japan. The trunk of this tree has an unusual, zig-zag shape which makes it extremely rare.
Camellia japonica (16.50 m tall) - Kashiwa forest, Kanazawa, Japan.
Camellia japonica (16.48 m tall) - Kogakudani hill, Kyoto, Japan. This Japonica tree's leaves and flower were used in a famous Japanese painting.
While all of them seem quite tall, they are not the tallest in their own environment. Japan itself has comellias that seem to reach heights of around 17 meters, but in reality, these Japonicas only grow up to seven meters tall. This is because of the fact that they have very shallow root systems. Also, the soil where they grow is not suitable for tall trees.
Camellia japonica is also known for its fragrant flower. The flowers of this plant are said to be the most gorgeous in the world. While the color of its flowers varies from red to white to pink, but the flower shape stays the same. However, the most beautiful one is always red.
How old does Camellia japonica get?
Where is the best place to plant a Camellia Japonica?
Camellia Japonica (the Japanese Camellia) is one of the best flowering trees for fall color in North America. However, as with all plants, it requires a particular amount of winter chilling to be at its best. We'll discuss how much chilling a plant needs, and more importantly, where you can plant it.
Camellias are one of the hardiest shade-tolerant trees in North America. In fact, they're quite hardy through most of Canada and USThey don't like too much sun though.
It's important to remember that the Camellia japonica native to North America prefers a wet, cool climate. It will grow well in most areas in the US and Canada, but we won't cover the specifics of growing it here.
Camellias need around 5 inches of chilling per year - or one average cold night per week. While we get a few days of cold per year in our temperate zone, our winters aren't severe enough to consistently give plants the minimum chilling necessary. The real issue for Camellias is where to plant them.
The Problem. Camellias usually grow best when planted in fall. Unfortunately, they also need quite a bit of winter chilling. This means you have to wait until late fall or even mid-autumn to plant your Camellia. Since most people only have a few weeks of autumn left, they plant their Camellias way too early.
Many plant nurseries start to order their Camellia bushes in July or August, even though it's not usually much colder in the summer than in the winter. And when they arrive and start to leaf out, their shrubs are all dead. They haven't had enough chilling to establish proper roots, and the plants can't get established.
Planting season is the best time to plant Camellia bushes. The cool nights in early fall will give your plants the extra chilling they need to start off strong. So if you plant them in autumn, you will have fewer problems in the future.
Planting Season. The optimal planting season for Camellias is between the beginning of September and late October. If you wait until the end of the year, it's too cold and wet.
How many varieties of Camellia Japonica are there?
There are about a hundred varieties of C.
japonica at this point; but they have been split up into subcategories because there's still a lot to do. The biggest division (at the time of writing, anyway) is the "true" camellia group and its subcategories like "Camellia" "Bicolor", "Auricula and the hybrids" and "Semperflorens". The hybrid group of C.J. Comprises many subgroups of hybrids, as well as some interesting wild species from all over the world.
What is so special about "Camellia japonica"? It's very pretty! Look at the way C. Japonica fills in the spaces between the more open clusters of the hybrid species. Also note the contrast between the yellow flowers of C. Japonica and the bright red, orange or white of most other hybrid species. In fact, the flowers of C. Japonica tend to be pretty much unicolor too!
What happens at Camellia Japonica' flowering? The flowers are spectacular, often as large as a saucer. They are also often larger than those of an individual Camellia plant that's growing out of control in someone's back garden (though not always). They vary in size and the size of their lobes (petals), but they are always deeply fragrant, often with an aroma that may be somewhat astringent. In recent years, there has been a tendency to grow C. Japonica "wild" for the flowers. But even if you have a fairly big patch, you're unlikely to get away with harvesting camellia flowers to make into tea in the full moon or for perfuming everything from your hair to your toenails.
Where can you find C. Unfortunately, not nearly as easily as some of the wildflowers which are easier to find. You can certainly get some variety by looking in the wildflower book, but the problem is that, as yet, we don't know much about C. Japonica outside Japan. Even in Japan, there's a tendency for naturalists to think it's just another one of the hundreds of kinds of cephalodromoideae Camellias. Some people do grow it for its flowers, but few will admit it, so C.
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