What are the two macro languages in Excel?
I have heard of the VBA language, but is there also a macro language in Excel?
When you say the programming language in the Microsoft Excel, does it mean a low-level language or a high level language? How would you go about implementing a function in Excel for mathematical computation? I understand this question is very broad and may possibly make the question too subjective. However, any answer will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help.
In Excel, we don't have just one language. What we have is a VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) language and then we have several built-in data types, such as Date, Range, Text, etc. Each data type has its own syntax to create objects, perform tasks, manipulate, etc.
Since your question is very broad, I'll try to answer some of your questions in bits: Yes, the only macro language available in Excel is the VBA language. VBA is a compiled language and uses the .NET framework to do all the heavy lifting. It's quite well documented, so you can learn a lot if you want to. In fact, you probably already know the basics of VBA, because you are probably used to it in other applications.
As far as I know, Excel doesn't really have any support for high level programming languages, and it is difficult to program Excel using a high level language. One reason is that Excel offers the entire office suite on top of a single spreadsheet engine. So, even if you could program Excel using a language like C# or Java, the users would have a tough time accessing those applications because they have to start another EXE file. The .NET Framework solves this problem to some extent.
As for how you implement math in Excel, that depends on the data type you are using. If it's a number, then just use a number. For example, say you want to find the mean of a list of numbers. A formula like
=AVERAGE(A2:A7). Will work. However, if you want to find the mean of a text string, then the data type must be defined as a Text. Say, your data looks like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Then you would create a cell to contain the values and enter a formula like. =TEXT(A1,"#0.
How do I change the language of a macro in Excel?
I've got a macro that I want to be able to be changed for multiple languages.
I've tried using the following code: Private Sub WorksheetChange(ByVal Target As Range). If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A1")) Is Nothing Then. If (Target.Value = "Yes") Then Application.EnableEvents = False ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SUMMARY").Range("B3").Value = "Languages"
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SUMMARY").Range("B4").Value = "English"
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SUMMARY").Range("B5").Value = "Spanish"
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SUMMARY").Range("B6").Value = "Japanese"
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SUMMARY").Range("B7").Value = "Chinese"
Application.EnableEvents = True End If. End Sub. For some reason, even though it changes the cells properly, it won't change the language for each cell. The default language is English and I want to change that.
I can't use this code because I have several different languages that are used, so I can't make the individual cells with the language name. Can anyone help me? Thanks! Try this one: Private Sub WorksheetChange(ByVal Target As Range). If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A1")) Is Nothing Then. Dim lng As Long. lng = Application.VBE.ActiveCodePane.getLanguage
If lng <> -2 Then. ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SUMMARY").
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