How to add multiple proxy address in Active Directory PowerShell?

Where do I put proxy address in Active Directory?

I have AD Server and I use AD-based proxy address.

But where do I put this? The place where you can see this is on the AD properties (where there is General tab). I use ADSI edit.

You can create a new attribute on the domain controller that stores the AD-based proxy address. The value of the attribute will be stored as a computer object in the directory service, and you can use the Directory Property Editor to set the AD-based proxy address in the property for each computer object.

The following link contains more details about creating this type of attribute: ).

How do I enable proxy addresses in Active Directory schema attribute?

In Windows 2023 & 2023, I could just right-click on any attribute and edit it's schema name.

In Windows 7, I get a dialog with Cannot save the schema because you don't have permission to do this. This is frustrating, so I was wondering if there is a way to "unblock" attributes in Active Directory schema, ie I can enable them to allow you to edit them. I've tried to add Everyone to the list of the owners of the attributes, but it does not work. I even changed the owner from 'Everyone' to me, but it doesn't work either. I tried "open properties" on the attribute and I can see "Everyone" is listed in the "owners".

1 Answer.
There is no way to enable attributes to be modified in Active Directory Schema. You can use ADSIEdit to set your permissions.

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