Can you automate with VBA?

Can you automate with VBA?

Sure. VBA is the most powerful scripting language available for Windows. A VBA expert can use it to create all kinds of automated macros and scripts to accomplish just about any task he wants. And because VBA is the only scripting language that works seamlessly with Windows, it is one of the most flexible solutions around.

In this article, I show you how to turn your VBA skills into a job that will pay handsomely. You can automate any spreadsheet you like, or even entire applications. You can create custom applications, database connectors, and anything else your creativity can conjure up. When you need to add a little VBA to a project, do it rightyou can make yourself a lot of money doing it.

VBA is widely used, but most people don't realize that you don't have to be an Excel expert to write VBA scripts. In fact, you don't even have to know the basic syntax of VBA at all. All that is necessary is a little knowledge of the languagebut you don't need to memorize a lot.

The best way to learn VBA is to practice. Here are a couple of places where you can play with VBA in Windows: Using OLE Automation. If you want to automate PowerPoint, Word, or Excel applications, then you must learn OLE Automation. Although this technique is not particularly useful for anything other than Microsoft Office apps, it is easy to pick up and is an excellent basis for beginning VBThe next couple of chapters assume that you know the basics of OLE Automation, but the rest of this chapter is designed to walk you through the more detailed stuff. If you understand how OLE Automation works, you can skip this chapter and go straight to Chapter 6. However, I recommend that you don't; you'll have to learn OLE Automation anyway if you want to automate Windows applications (unless you can do so via WMI or COM).

The techniques shown in this chapter apply not only to Windows but also to Mac OS and Linux. A Quick Word About VBA Versus Macros. Before we get into anything complicated, let's look briefly at the differences between VBA and Macros. Macros were introduced on the Macintosh before Windows.

What is Selenium VBA?

Many people are familiar with the HTML-driven web but very few people know that the world of web testing can get a little bit complex. We use Microsoft Excel to manage all of our Selenium tests and the code is written using a combination of Visual Basic for Applications and C#.

We like to think of Selenium as a test framework for the web. We do away with the old and outdated practice of testing websites by manually visiting the webpage one link at a time. Instead, we use automated testing to see if a website behaves as it should.

Selenium VBA Code is a series of scripts written in Visual Basic for Applications or Visual Basic 6 that interact with a website and ensure it does its job correctly. These scripts are stored in the same database as the website. For example, in the case of an eCommerce site, we could create a page that automatically adds a new item to a basket based on the data entered in a series of text boxes. Or, in the case of a blog, we can find all links on the home page, click on them, and navigate to other pages in the site.

Some of these scripts may seem basic. Others will provide some advanced features. The important thing is that you can build them yourself to fit your needs.

Where To Go From Here? In part 1, we have already talked about the two big problems we face when it comes to programming test scripts - automating the creation of objects (website pages) and automating the input of data into those objects. We have also set out what kind of scenarios we want to automate. In part 2, we will talk about how we use the InternetExplorer object to automate interactions with websites and how we build a menu that contains a number of options we want to automate. And then, finally, we will go through how we automate our test.

The first thing we want to do is create a page that will hold all of the text boxes we want to fill out during a test. It may best to consider any text boxes and combo boxes as unique objects in Selenium. The second thing we need to do is have a script that makes sure this form is presented correctly on any given page. The code for this step is below:

This script is pretty straightforward. We are first making sure we get the right object.

How to add Selenium in Excel VBA?

I have installed Selenium Webdriver and WebdriverIO in my PC and I have created a VBA macro with 3 functions. First one is to open a browser and enter the url of the test. Second one is to check if it is displayed correctly, and if not to give me the error message.

The problem is that I can't make it work. I can run the macro but there are no results. The function that checks if it's displayed correctly does not seem to work.

Sub RunTest(). Dim wd As Object. Set wd = CreateObject("Selenium.WebDriver") wd.Start "chrome", "" wd.FindElementById("q").SendKeys "test"
wd.Click MsgBox wd.Title, vbInformation, "Succs" End Sub. Sub checkWeb(). Dim Driver As WebDriver. Set Driver = New WebDriver. Driver.Get "" If driver.Title <> "Google" Then MsgBox "ERROR". End If. Sub checkXpath(). The code you have posted works for me on Windows 10 using a Chrome browser. You need to do some extra steps to ensure your code is compatible with your setup.

For example, you need to create a class module and instantiate an object of that class. Then use that object. There is also an instance of the object that you should get using New.

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