How do I use the ipconfig command?
When I do a restart or reboot on my computer I can see the IP Address of my computer by typing ipconfig in my command line and pressing enter.
It will show something like this: C:Windowssystem32>ipconfig. Windows IP Configuration. Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection 2: Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : Link-local IPv6 Address . : fe80::1ca6:ab4d:e835:9f84%3 IPv4 Address. : 192.168.10
Subnet Mask . : 255.0
Default Gateway .1 And it will say: IPv4 Address : 192.10 Subnet Mask : 255.0 Default Gateway : 192.1 Now, what is an example of a situation where I would have to use ipconfig and not something else? You can use ifconfig to view your IP address. The command is used to view your IP address and the subnet mask of your interface, but can also be used to view DNS settings.8 Bcast:192.255 Mask:255.
How to do DNS lookup in Windows?
I am writing a DNS lookup utility in C#.
My question is: What is the best way to do the DNS lookup? 1) I read from a text file (in my case, the DNS resolvers for my country are in a text file). 2) Call GetHostByName(). 3) Call Resolve(). 4) Call ResolveEx(). 5) Use WINS. Please advice which one is the best or the best one. The .NET Framework has two classes for DNS resolution: System.Net.Dns and System.Resolver. The .NET Framework also has a class called System.NetworkInformation.Ping.
It is unlikely that any of these classes would be suitable for your application, since they are intended for use with a network-based service and are not suitable for a desktop application. If you really must use them, then I suggest you use one of the following classes instead: System.IPAddress System.Sockets.UDPClient
System.Ping System.PingReply If you want to use the .NET Framework's classes, then I recommend reading their documentation.
How do I flush DNS and renew my IP?
1) Close all browsers. If you do, you'll have to reopen them for the settings to take effect.
2) Go into network settings and edit "Resolution": 1) Set "Automatic (Prefered Method)" to "Manual (Dynamic)". 2) Press "Apply", "Close", and reopen any browsers for changes to take effect. 3) Start typing a URL in any browser such as and hit enter. When typing in a new URL, you should get a message saying something like: "Resolving" as DNS takes place. Note that you'll be able to search (with in the search bar) as well as browse most sites (with
If you're having trouble with different sites than the ones you're used to, chances are there's something wrong with your DNS settings. The best thing to do is to temporarily disable your DHCP server. To do this:
For Linux, just do "sudo ifconfig down eth0" where eth0 is whatever interface your computer uses for DHCP. NOTE that once you restart, most programs on your computer will shut down. On OSX you would have to use the same procedure, however with an option of restarting your internet rather than reboot. 4) Restart your network interface to change its DNS IP address and bring everything back online. Restarting the computer is required in the Linux version of the above procedure.
If your ISP provides dynamic DNS, or you configured a static IP, then this will already have happened automatically. However, I can't think of anything else that would cause it to fail right now. I'd recommend you post what happens after you attempt DNS resolution in Step #2 (typing in a new URL), if it causes an error.
5) Reset your router to factory default.
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