What family movies are playing on Amazon Prime?

What should I watch on Prime with family?

Hello all.

I am looking to do a family movie night this Sunday. I want to go with two of my kids and a couple friends. Right now the only family movie on prime right now is 'Kung Fu Panda'. The kids will be 3 and 2 so if we pick this movie should we also take it into theater? I have seen on the movie threads here that there are a lot of good family options coming out. What should I watch? Thanks!
For me, I watch movies with my two boys when they're older.maybe 4-6 years old or so.because that's just the time where they can handle the action/violence fairly well, they're old enough to recognize (mostly) what's going on, and they are old enough to process most of it and laugh at the more immature jokes.

Now, the main thing for me is not to let them watch something that pushes some stupid moral code or whatever, as when they get older they'll end up asking "why did daddy or mama say that was wrong" and "that's not ok". So all in all, the thing I look for is a movie that doesn't have gratuitous violence/sex/nudity, has no foul language, and is a PG-13 or less. It doesn't have too much adult humor either, as most comedy is too over the top for kids to follow.

So I'd say skip Kung Fu Panda and go to "Despicable Me". It's got action/violence, some swearing, but mostly funny/light-hearted dialogue, and all characters are pretty well-developed and have clear motivations (as opposed to being a bunch of random people who just happen to wander around doing their own thing at random intervals).

If you think they might be a bit young for Despicable Me, I recommend taking them to see "Trolls" -- although of course, both of them will hate it. Despicable me is an ok pick, in that I was able to explain the basics to both my little ones, although it does contain quite a bit of adult humor. Good kid movie, great character development for both adults and children.

Does Amazon Prime have children's movies?

I love this site but it seems a bit short on kids movies.

I'm a big fan of the kids shows and I'd love to see them all. Is Amazon Prime video for kids? It's my go to site when I want to watch something that's not on Netflix or cable. Thanks in advance!

Amazon Prime's kid's programming isn't the best, but I'm happy to say that there's plenty for us to watch on the streaming service. The first category is Amazon Video On Demand, which includes kids movies. The second category is Amazon Instant Video for Kids.

Amazon Video on Demand. Amazon says, "With over 1,000 children's movies and shows, Amazon Video on Demand offers a huge library of great children's entertainment. Watch thousands of movies and TV shows in HD and SD, from classic favorites to original series.

Amazon Prime's selection of kids movies and shows can be found on Amazon Video On Demand, here. The selection has been slowly growing and will likely continue to grow. You'll find a bunch of series and movies that aren't on Netflix or Hulu.

A new category of kids' entertainment for Amazon Instant Video, Amazon says, "With over 300 original kids shows and movies, Amazon Instant Video for Kids has everything you and your kids are looking for. Amazon's selection of kids movies and shows can be found on Amazon Instant Video, here. Both of these are great ways to stream kids movies and shows for free. Amazon Kids. But there's still one more option. Amazon Kids is actually a free website designed to help parents keep track of their kids' media and activities.

What family movies are playing on Amazon Prime?

Forget about the new movies; which of the old, classic movies are playing?

Are there any good ones that are free on Amazon Prime? Here is a list of family movies currently showing on Amazon Prime. Amazon Prime is currently showing many old movies from the 1980's and 1990's such as Aladdin, Batman Returns, and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Check out the list below for all the movies currently showing on Amazon Prime and what other family friendly movies are coming soon. Amazon Prime movies currently playing. A Christmas Story. Back to the Future. Batman: R. Batman Begins. Body Heat. Bonnie and Clyde. Born on the Fourth of July. Cape Fear. Chicago 2. Citizen Kane. Cleopatra. Con Air. Cool Hand Luke. Cool Runnings. Corine. Death Becomes Her. Death Trap. Death Wish. Daylight. Detective Conan. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Dumb & Dumber. E.: The Extra-Terrestrial Eleanor Rigby. Escape From New York. Escape From L.Eyes of a Stranger Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Fifty First Dates. Fight Club. The French Connection. The Gunfighter. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. Indiana Jones and the Revenge of the Jedi.e. Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb. Indiana Jones and the Wrath of Khan. Indiana Jones and the Skeleton Key. Jaws 2. Jaws 3. Jaws 4. Just Tell Me What You Want. The Lady from Shanghai.e. Land of the Lost. License to Kill. Lethal Weapon 2. Little Big Man. L.

What movies should you watch with your family?

I'm starting a new thread about , not like the others where people are just naming their favorite movies.

But rather the type of movies that will get you to talk about a topic, or just generally talk about something on the couch. So I thought it would be a great idea to have a thread for every movie we watch with our families. It can be any movie, but it can also be a series, or a comedy movie, whatever. I just want to know what everyone else would watch, and what discussions would arise from those movies.

Just for the record, my favorite movie is Home Alone, and my favorite movie with the entire family is probably Planes, Trains and Automobiles. "We don't even need to tell each other what to do. We don't even need to talk to each other. If you're hungry, we'll just look at each other and eat. The same thing happens if somebody's hurt. We can just look at them and feel it and know. That's like asking, "What are your favorite bands of all time?" If you said, "Led Zeppelin," you would be considered a rock snob.

I'm going to play Devil's advocate, though. The Godfather was my introduction to Mafia films. So it stands to reason that it was the first example I remember from seeing mob life portrayed.

I don't get offended when people call me a geek. I don't put myself down for being a geek. I don't feel like a loser because I am one. Dr. Horrible

As a member of the Geek Mafia, I just can't say no to the godfather. I know its sacreligious to worship someone else's work, but I find the film to be the most honest portrayal of gangsters ever made. It also has an incredible message, although a lot of people aren't really aware of it. (like when Michael goes to visit his wife before he dies.)

It also has the best gangster montage ever filmed. (and I just love me some montages.

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