Who is my DNS server?
You need to specify your own DNS server (ie, either "127.0.1" or "169.254" from the output of "ip route".) A DNS server is not defined in DHCP.
What should my DNS server address be? Either "127. Either "127.
What if my DHCP server assigns a different IP address for my network, and I want to use that as my DNS server? This may cause problems in your network. For example, other DHCP servers may get upset at the address that you have assigned to your network, causing them to send clients to an address outside the scope of their network. You'll likely want to change the assignment of the IP address on the DHCP servers to "None". Then you can have a single default server that everyone on your network uses. That's the way it should be if everyone wants to communicate with everyone else.
What causes DNS Server Issues?
DNS (Domain Name Service) is a protocol that translates domain names into their IP address. The IP address is a logical name for a computer and is used by the internet to connect to your computer. DNS servers help other computers to get the IP addresses. Every computer has a DNS server that can be managed by you, but usually it is automatically selected by the operating system.
What are the causes of DNS server issues? There are many reasons why you might encounter DNS server issues. Not enough space for DNS records. Usually, all DNS records are cached by the DNS Server. The maximum size of the cache is limited by the memory available on the DNS server.
If there is not enough space for cache records, some requests to the DNS server might be denied. You should check this by performing a ping query on the hostname to see if the name resolves.
Querying a non-existent DNS record. Sometimes DNS records are cached incorrectly and if a hostname is not in the cache, the query will fail. This might happen if the DNS servers have been reinstalled or have been overloaded.
Unresolved security risks. DNS records might not be available because the host is infected with malware or is being used as a network infrastructure. If you are unable to resolve the hostname, you should start your system monitoring tools (eg NDEF, NIDS, AMP or Sysmon) and send a notification to our support team.
DNS servers down or slow response. DNS servers are usually distributed across several locations. An overloaded DNS server could cause long delays. It is also possible that the DNS server could be under attack and its responses are being manipulated.
A DNS request timeout. A timeout value is configured by each DNS server and this timeout indicates the time it is allowed to respond. If the DNS server does not respond in time, the query is terminated.
An overloaded DNS server. A DNS server will typically handle a large number of concurrent queries. When a new query is received, it will be stored in a queue and will only be processed when there is enough free resources. If the DNS server becomes overloaded, it may be unable to answer the query and will need to be restarted.
Why is my DNS server not responding on my HP laptop?
My ISP changed the DNS address of my laptop and now I can't connect to any websites.
How do I fix this? How can I remove the DNS server on my HP laptop? You can do that with the command line utility dig and the command-line tool dnsreconfig - this assumes you have root access to the system (which you should). The dig command is what you need. You can specify a particular network you want to resolve hosts for. You'll need to know the IP address of the server which is resolving the DNS entries you're having trouble connecting to, so you can use the -x option.
For example, you can run this: dig -x 192.168.1
To get the IP address for the DNS server which is resolving the nameserver. In order to get rid of it, you would run this command: dig -x 192.1 > /dev/null replacing 192.1 with the IP address of the DNS server you want to remove.
As long as the DNS server is giving you an IP address, it will stop responding to queries from your computer. If you are running a different DNS server, you can also use this command to stop its response:
How can I reset my DNS server?
There are some methods.
The easiest one is to connect to a router or some sort of network device. Most of these devices will have a "Reset" button. This will reset the DNS servers to default values, and usually also the DHCP options.
If you don't have such a device, you can also simply delete the file /etc/resolv.conf which contains the current DNS values. If this file exists and is not empty (it should contain nothing), it is used by the resolver library. This file is usually read from /etc/resolvconf/resolv.d/tail (the default is tail).
Or you can use the following command: rm -f /var/lib/NetworkManager/dnsmasq. You can also use the purge option with dnsmasq. The purge option is documented in man dnsmasq.
I use dnsmasq, so I edited /etc/resolv.conf and deleted the contents. Then I restarted dnsmasq with sudo service dnsmasq restart.
Alternatively, you can also edit /etc/dnsmasq.conf and comment out the lines beginning with resolvconf.
What does it mean to get a DNS server not responding error?
It means that the DNS server is down or has crashed.
DNS servers act as a hub for all your website name to IP address mappings. When you go to a website, your computer automatically searches through its local cache of IP addresses to determine which IP address to use for that website. If it doesn't find an IP address in its cache, it asks a DNS server for it. The DNS server then tells your computer what IP address to use.
In today's world, websites often use a combination of DNS server addresses and IP addresses, which can cause problems if there's a problem with the DNS server. For example, if you have a DNS server at home, and you go to a website that's hosted at your company's datacenter, your computer might ask your DNS server for the IP address, but if your DNS server is down or not responding, the request could be directed to the wrong datacenter, causing you to get a 404 not found error.
The good news is that most websites today use a combination of DNS servers and IP addresses, so it's more likely that you'll be seeing a DNS server not responding error than a 404 not found error. What are the symptoms of a DNS server not responding error? If you see a DNS server not responding error, the first thing to do is make sure you're actually connected to the Internet. If you're trying to connect to a website that's hosted on a server at your company's datacenter, for example, chances are that your DNS server at home is just forwarding you to the server at the datacenter, and you're getting a "this webpage is unavailable" error.
The symptoms of a DNS server not responding error should be fairly obvious, but here are a few tips to help you figure out what's causing it: If you don't have a DNS server at home, try connecting to your company's datacenter's server and see if you still get the DNS server not responding error. If you're connected to the Internet but the website you're trying to reach isn't responding, try connecting to your company's server that hosts that website and see if you still get the DNS server not responding error. If so, your company's server is down or crashed.
How do I fix the DNS server isn't responding?
I checked with nslookup on another computer and it works fine so I do have a working DNS server.
What is a DNS failure?
DNS is a protocol that lets computers on the Internet find each other by name.
If your computer can't find a particular website by name (like google.com), it will be unable to connect to the website.
Most people access the Internet using a web browser such as Google Chrome or Firefox. The web browser needs to know how to reach a website by its name, so that the web browser can display the website correctly. The web browser communicates with a DNS server to determine how to reach a website by name.
For example, if your computer is trying to visit the website for the National Weather Service, the web browser might make a request to a DNS server like the one from our example.org website, shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: A web browser requests a website's address from a DNS server. That DNS server receives a request from the web browser, and then uses that request to find an IP address for the website from our example.org domain. If the DNS server can't find an IP address for the website, it returns a no-reply to the web browser. The web browser won't get a response from the DNS server and so will not be able to connect to the website.
Why might a DNS server fail? The Internet is made up of many networks. When a request for a website name is sent to a DNS server, the DNS server must receive that request and look up the IP address for the website.
There are two parts of a DNS server that are responsible for looking up the website's name and IP address. The first is the name server. The name server has records of what websites have a particular IP address.
The second part is the resolver. The resolver is a part of the name server that is responsible for receiving the request, looking up the website's name, and returning the website's IP address.
Both parts of a DNS server have their own resources that need to be carefully managed. We'll talk about these below.
Name servers. Name servers are the first part of a DNS server that we're going to discuss. Name servers hold records of what websites are associated with which IP addresses.
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