Where do I put proxy address in Active Directory?

How do I enable proxy addresses in Active Directory schema attribute?

In Active Directory, I want to allow user accounts to have the following two attributes.

User.ProxyAddresses -> proxy1.company.comuser.domain.com
User.Proxy - proxy2.comother-domainuser.com
The former should contain proxy 1 (proxy2 is never used), and latter should always include proxy 2 (proxy1 is never used). Note that there is not an attribute for "Allow access to external sites" (or some such).

I don't know which object will have the required value, but it looks like that it might be the user's attribute set. How can I enable the above? According to MSDN: A proxy address for a specific server resource is defined in the. DNSProxyPacket attribute. However, proxy addresses for DNS requests that are related to directory services may be defined in the. DNSProxyAddress attribute. Both the DNSProxyAddresses and DNSProxyPacket attributes are read-. write. The above implies you need to create your own schema extension. In the schema, specify a new dsa://type with a name of DNSProxyAddress and a subtype of DNS. The syntax should be something like the following:
. . . Alternatively, you can use a standard dsa file instead: dn: cn=DNSProxyAddress,cn=schema. Changetype: modify. Add: schemaExtension. ObjectClass: extensibleObject. ObjectClass: top. ObjectClass: attributeSchema. AttributeSchema: default. C: windowssystem32dnsnapdlladdresstracks. name DNSProxyAddress. type dsa:DNSProxyAddress. value 192.12810.168.100.5010.13.51.12
substitutionsource. C:dnsproxiesets.

How do I add a proxy address?

I'm writing a PHP script to manage some DNS zones for a server, and when I try to add a new zone I'm asked for a proxy IP address.

How do I supply this? I see that a Zones file is located at /etc/bind/zones/db.com but I have no idea what the configuration looks like in it. Where is the information for my proxy IP stored?
If you're on a headless machine, you can edit /etc/bind/zones/db.conf and add the lines allow-query. Then restart bind and retry adding a new zone.

Where do I put proxy address in Active Directory?

I am trying to figure out where proxy address should go in Active Directory.

Currently it's set in the "Internet Options" settings in the windows control panel. Does that go in the Server properties section in AD for a server, or should it be in the User Profiles area in the Users section of an AD server?

Internet Options on Windows is the user profile area, not the server side. So it should be in the User Profiles.

From. To configure the Internet Options page as a group policy resource in Active Directory, follow these steps: If the Internet Options page cannot be edited using Group Policy Preferences, try toggling the Internet Options setting by using an application-specific Group Policy Object (GPO). Create an application-specific Group Policy Object (GPO) in Active Directory to override the setting on the desktop. The policy settings of the GPO are automatically stored in Active Directory. This enables GPOs to control the Internet Options settings for all local users and computers.

Make sure that you configure your organization's computers with the new Internet Options settings. If you configure your computers manually, open the computer management console and click Computers. In the console tree, right-click the computer, point to Properties, click the Local Policies tab, and then click Start Group Policy Processing.
Click Continue when the Group Policy processing begins. Right-click the Group Policy Object (GPO) that you created in the previous step, and then click Start Group Policy. The GPO begins to process the settings.

When the GPO has finished processing, check the Internet Options settings on the computers. I'll add more information if I can find it.

Is a proxy address the same as an alias?

Is a proxy address the same as an address in the "other" section?

Does the "autoconfig" field matter? What's it all mean? Thanks! :). The other section is an IP address for other services, such as your ISP. The proxy server can be either the only device on your home network or another computer on your home network. It's an easy way for you to use the Internet even though you have slow connection. You just type into your web browser and your requests go through it. If you have dynamic IP addresses then you will need to update your DNS settings (in this case the A record in the .htaccess file).

The "proxies" in the "other" section of "netscape" are the ones that you can type in manually. I'm not 100% sure on this one but I think they are equivalent to the "servers" in IE's "Proxy Settings.

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