How to filter Wireshark using protocol?

How do I use a specific port in Wireshark?

I'm using Wireshark 2.

2 on Debian 8.0.

I need to capture packets on a specific port (8080). How do I do this? I've tried the following: Capture on all interfaces (with Wireshark) and select only the port 8080 on each interface. But Wireshark capture all traffic on all interfaces. Capture on the default interface (eth0 in this case) and select only the port 8080 on eth0. Wireshark capture the packets but it does not detect them as "port 8080". Capture on all interfaces (with Wireshark) and select only the port 8080 on all interfaces. The same thing than before. How can I capture the packets on a specific port? What you are trying to do is probably impossible. When a packet comes into your computer it has a source IP and a destination IP, both of which will identify the origin and destination of the packet. If the source IP is an IP that is not on your network, then you can not see the packet.

If your computer has two ethernet interfaces (a wired ethernet interface and a wireless interface), then the packet will have a destination IP that will be either your wireless or wired IP. If the destination is one of these, then you can see it. If the destination IP is on the same subnet as the source IP, then you can not see the packet, since you will not have any routing table for it.

If the destination IP is on a different subnet, then you can see the packet, but the packet will not be routed to that destination. In your case, there is no way for you to see the packet, since it will be outside of your network. You need to set up some sort of VPN to see it.

How do I filter ports in Wireshark?

I have a simple setup consisting of Wireshark running on the same.

machine as a webserver, listening on port 8080. In addition to Wireshark, I have the following tools: tcpdump (I use this to dump packets). Nc (used for tunneling port 22 to my machine). Netcat (used for local access). Telnet (for testing and debugging). Ssh-agent (used for secure key exchange). Sudo (used for root privs). The setup goes like this: wireshark -> nc -> telnet -> ssh-agent -> sudo -u. Sysadmin1 sudo -p pwd -S /usr/bin/nc -n -e /bin/bash. Localhost -e /bin/telnet localhost 22. Once I have my system set up like this, I can run tcpdump or nc. On any machine or VM. With tcpdump, I need to specify a program as the filter, so I usually do something like tcpdump port 8080 or. Tcpdump eth0 host 10. How do I have Wireshark filter one port while other ports can be. Filtered by other tools? Thanks! You can use the --packet-log-file options to Wireshark. Then you can set an iptables rule: iptables -t filter -A INPUT -i -p tcp --dport --log-prefix "`tcpdump -i -v portnumber` (`tcpdump -r

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