What is a DNS lookup example?

How do I use nslookup?

I'm trying to look up a host name with nslookup. I'm running this command: nslookup . And I get the following output: Server: localhost. Address 1: 10.2.168. Any ideas?
You need to specify the full name. For example, the command: nslookup www.google.com
Will resolve www.com as well as the reverse lookup (www.com -> 192.1) for the IP of www. The command:
Nslookup www.com 192.1

Will only resolve the reverse lookup. In general, if you don't know what you want to resolve, just run. And see what comes back. Nslookup will only resolve reverse name to IP. Nslookup -server localhost will resolve hostname to IP and will use server which you have set in /etc/resolv.conf file.

Try using dig. You can use dig with a few options like -x to return the nameservers and -p to display the reverse dns.

Here is an example of how to use dig to query a host.com @8.8

; <<>> DiG 9.5-4ubuntu1.4-Ubuntu <<>> www.

How do I search by IP in nslookup?

I am using nslookup on command line to search for a name server from a list of available server, all are on same subnet. I am able to pass in the IP of the machine where nslookup is run on. However, I cannot find any way to search by IP.

Can someone please help? There is no way to do it with nslookup but you could use dig instead.com @127.0.1

Where xyz.com is your name server ip and 127.1 is your local machine. Note: the first answer is for IPv4 and the second is for IPv6.

What is a DNS lookup example?

A DNS lookup example is a program that illustrates how the DNS lookup process works. DNS lookups work in conjunction with a protocol called DNS. DNS translates a domain name into an IP address and vice versa. DNS is widely used to determine the IP address of a web server or a mail server that a user wants to visit.

Most commonly, a DNS lookup example is a small program that makes a DNS query for a hostname (such as www.bing.com) and shows you the results of the lookup. This is the best way to see how DNS queries are made and how they are answered.

This page shows you some basic information about DNS, including how DNS works, what DNS servers you need to run your own DNS server, and how to run your own DNS server on your own computer. DNS is the Domain Name System. It is the Internet equivalent of a phone book. In a phone book, you would find a listing for a company called Microsoft. In the DNS system, you would find a listing for an Internet resource called "www.microsoft."

How DNS Works. Your computer has a list of IP addresses that it knows about. Your computer also has a list of domain names, which are names of Internet resources like www. When your computer wants to know where www.com is, it will look up the name in its list of IP addresses and the IP addresses of the DNS servers in its network. It will then ask one of the DNS servers about www. If the DNS server knows about www.com, it will tell your computer that www.com is an Internet resource that you can get to by entering the IP address into your web browser.

Because a computer has only so many IP addresses, it would be a waste of time to put all of its IP addresses into its list of IP addresses. So it keeps track of the IP addresses of the other computers that it talks to. When it needs to find a computer's IP address, it asks the computer to tell it what its IP address is. When your computer says its IP address is 192.168.200, the computer tells your computer what DNS server it should use to ask questions about the name "192."

Figure 1 shows how DNS works.

What is nslookup command used for?

Nslookup is a program that helps you with resolving host names to IP addresses. It is used by default in most Linux distributions. It was also included in Windows NT.

The "hosts" file is the computer's table of "names" (of host computers) and their corresponding IP addresses. The hosts file is often consulted by the system to determine what hostname to use for Internet name resolution, and thus, which IP address to use.

To get an idea about nslookup, have a look at this tutorial. Nslookup is used to resolve domain names into IP addresses. Nslookup is used by many programs, for example when you are trying to find the IP address of a website. Nslookup is also used as a part of network diagnostics to see if the domain name server is working properly.

It helps to know that this program has existed since the dawn of time. It was first implemented by UNIX on the PDP-7 as the "lookup" command. And it has been ported to many other systems including DOS, Windows, Mac OS X, BSD, NetBSD, etc.

Its purpose was to find a host by its domain name. It had a simple set of options like "-h" for human readable output, "-a" to search all the DNS servers, "-p" for primary, "-d" for debug, "-s" for the IP address of the name server, "-f" to force a lookup, "-i" for information, etc.

It was the precursor to "host", and many of the options still work in modern programs.

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