How to use Edge WebDriver in Selenium?
I am using Edge on windows machine.
For a web test I have to login into the website () first. My question is, since webdriver can be used in different language like java, c# or others(ex selenium web driver), what is the right way of implementing this in .NET? Thanks. Since you're already using Edge WebDriver, I'll give you an example of how you can use EdgeWebDriver with WebDriver on .Net Core and WebDriver 4.3+
There are three steps in writing a UI Test on . 1) Specify the Edge WebDriver's URL 2) Set the desired parameters for the tests 3) Write your logic for the test. In this example we will use C# syntax. You can change the code to JavaScript if you'd like.
We will first create a variable for our driver.Net Core the global declaration for a new variable for WebDriver is Microsoft.OpenQSelenium.
Var driver = Microsoft.Edge; Next we need to configure the driver with its URL: driver.Url = ""; After that we can now call the driver to start using it. IWebDriver driver = new EdgeDriver();. Driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitlyWait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
Var loginForm = driver.FindElement(By.Id("login"));
// Log in with the user name and password that you wish to test. Driver.SendKeys(
Driver.Quit(); You will notice that this code uses implicit waits which ensures that it waits 5 seconds before attempting to click on the login button so that you aren't wasting time finding elements that aren't displayed. You can also choose from 10 other methods that define what you would like to wait for such as findElement, findElements, wait for etc.
Hope this helps!
How to setup edge driver in selenium C#?
using textsynth
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As a first step, make sure that your test is not failing. If it's not failing you can skip this part. Next steps - setup and run tests using Selenium. Once your test is passing, we will have to write our code to write edge driver. There is no official source code available for creating Edge Driver in C#. However, I have found few solutions like using Microsoft.DotNet.WebDriver.ChromeDriver and using some other libraries from nuget package.
Setup Environment using NUnit. Before starting the setup process of Selenium, we need to set up our Environment as per requirement. The main components include: NUnit (for running tests). Selenium Server Version 2.3 or greater (for setting up drivers) Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework
Microsoft.ChromeDriver NuGet package (). We can install all the above dependencies in following command using nuget. Nuget install -Name
Nuget install-package Nunit.ConsoleRunner Once the above steps are completed, we can run our tests with NUnit console runner. Nunit3-console -Path "C:SeleniumTestingAutomationSelenium.Test" Note - Add Nunit test to Visual Studio by following this article - How to add unit test in existing project. Preparing code for creating edge driver. First of all we need to check our browser version (Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer) using getBrowserVersion. In our tests, we are going to use Internet Explorer for accessing and interacting with web application. Hence, we are only checking browser version here.
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