How to add a DNS server in Linux?

How to set DNS to 8.8 8.8 in Linux?

As a Linux administrator, it is always better to have one central DNS server.

For that purpose we will use bind9 for linux. How to set binding to linux? What are the settings we need to add in /etc/bind/named.conf.local?

# You need to define this to make recursive # name server, see below. You can just use dnsmasq recurse=no and remove the server setting: name

Then you also have to ensure that we need have zone files specified on these servers. For example: @ IN SOA My. ( 2019081312 ; serial 3600) @ IN NS ns2. # The above example will tell sendmail to send all emails sent from

Note: DNS entries like these cannot be changed without restarting of the program. We have not restarted bind in any of the examples above.

Setting up 8.8 in Linux In this tutorial, we will only demonstrate how to set 8.8 as DNS resolver You can also configure it as authoritative server, here is an example of the configuration. Zone "" ; allow-update ; }; allow-query nscontrols "nocertificate"; file "/etc/bind/"; };

Here is how you can check the dnssec-keyfile in DNSsec. Cat /etc/bind/ This configuration allows querying only the specified DNS nameservers without any certificate and with secret. The same thing can be done for an authoritative bind9 server. These servers will query all domains specified in the example above: cat /etc/bind/named.options: no-dnssec Restart bind9.

How to add 2 DNS in Linux?

How can I add 2 DNS in linux?

I tried to edit the files /etc/resolv.conf, but each time, I get a strange warning.

When I open the file, the warning "file name is only read-write for root, when file contains more than one line, edit will fail". Please help me out. I don't know why you are changing resolv.conf while adding a new nameserver. Do this instead. (You should never edit this file!)
Download and Install dnsutils. Run command. Sudo /sbin/ It will print out list of new dns servers. You need to use that address while setting DNS servers in your DHCP settings.

How to add a DNS server in Linux?


When you try to use a browser or some application on a new computer, it will try to get a DNS server address from somewhere. I am sure you have seen the "DNS Server" option on the network settings dialog. What that option does is to set up the system's DNS client to point to the DNS servers that are listed there.

The network settings dialog also provides a way to point to a DNS server manually in case you don't want to use the servers provided by your network. But how do you add a DNS server? You can add them with the /etc/resolv.conf file but there are better ways.

I will show you how you can do that without editing the resolv. Adding a DNS server manually. The first step in adding a DNS server manually is to get the DNS name and IP address of the DNS server. This is where your network settings dialog can help you. When you open your network settings dialog, there should be a window that looks like this:

You should see something like "127.0.1" as the DNS address in your network settings dialog. The IP address can be found in the output of the command "ip addr show". For example, here's the output of mine:

Now, copy the DNS name and IP address to your terminal and add a line in the /etc/resolv. For example: Now you can test that your DNS server is working by using the command "host". You should get an address from as the output. So your DNS server is now working.

Adding DNS servers automatically. The network settings dialog provides a better way to add DNS servers to your system. The process of adding DNS servers with the network settings dialog is a bit more complex than the one described in the previous section. I will assume that you already know what network-manager is, what dnsmasq is and how to use those packages. Here's a quick tutorial:

Install the dnsmasq package. First, use the following command to install the dnsmasq package: # sudo apt-get install dnsmasq. Next, edit the /etc/dnsmasq.

How do I add a DNS server?

I have a dedicated server at DigitalOcean.

I am not sure how to add a DNS server to it. How can I add a DNS server for my own domain name?

Follow the steps listed here on how to add a DNS server on Ubuntu. Login as root. Open the /etc/resolv.conf file by typing: sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf Then add the name of the DNS server to the list of nameservers. Like so: nameserver 8.8 nameserver 8.4
Restart your network services to see the changes. Sudo service network-manager restart. If you want to use your ISP DNS server instead of Google DNS, you can edit the /etc/resolvconf/resolv.d/tail file, like so: sudo nano /etc/resolvconf/resolv.d/tail Add the name of your ISP's DNS server to the file: nameserver 208.67.222
Nameserver 208.220

Steps to follow: Log into the server as root or sudo -i.e. Edit /etc/resolv.conf with sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf
Make sure the nameserver address is set to the IP address of the server (eg nameserver 8.8) You can put multiple nameservers into this file, in which case the order in which they appear in the file will be the order in which they're queried by resolvconf (eg nameserver 8.4 and 8.8).

It's a good idea to restart resolvconf in case the config file gets overwritten later: sudo service resolvconf restart. Edit the /etc/resolvconf/resolv.d/tail file with sudo nano /etc/resolvconf/resolv.d/tail
Add the nameserver addresses of your ISP's DNS servers (eg nameserver 208.222 and 208.

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